108 వైష్ణవ దివ్యదేశాలు - వాటి వివరాలు: Bharata varsha is a land of temples. According to tradition, there are called as 108 vaishnavite shrines -popularly known as divyadesams sung by Alwars; hence also known as PAADAL STHALAMS. There are 12 Alwars and collection of their pasurams in Tamil is popularly known as Naalaayira Divya Prabhandam. In addition to these 108, there are 19 puraanasthalams 29 Abhimaana sthalams and other famous vaishnava temples all over India visited by bhaktas of which Melkottai is the most famous one. Area wise location of these 108 temples are Cholanadu( Trichy area) 40; Nadunaadu( Cuddalore area) 2; Pandyanaadu ( Madurai area)18; Malainaadu ( Kerala area)13; Tondainaadu ( Kanchi area)22; Vadanaadu( North India) 11; Thirunaadu ( Vaikuntam)2. Total 108 divyadesams. Out of these 108, most important one is SRIRANGAM also called as Peria Koil/Bhooloka Vaikuntam/ Thiruvaranga Tirupati/ Bhogamandapam. The other three mandapams are Tirumalai - pushpa mandapam; Kanchipuram - thyaaga mandapam; Thirunarayanapuram (Melkottai)- gnaana mandapam. Other details of Srirangam koil will follow.
[14/11, 10:37] p.l.n.charlu: Srirangam second episode: The main features of the temple are furnished below: 1) Moolavar: Sriranganathan, also called as Periya Perumal. Bhujanga sayanam on Adisesha, south facing. Utsavar ( in standing posture )is known as Azhagiya Manavalan also fondly called as Namperumal
2) Taayaar: Sriranganayaki, also known as Sriranga Naachiyaar, Padi Tanda Patni ( she will not cross the threshold of the Taayaarsannidhi). Vimaanam: Pranavaakaara vimaanam. 4) Pushkarani : Chandra pushyakarani and 8 other pushkaranis. 5) Sthala vriksha: Punnai. 6) There are seven praakaaraas and 21 towers/ gopurams. 7) Gave darshan to Dharmavarma, Chandran, and Vibhishanan. 8) 11 Alwasrs have sung in all there are 247 paadurams.9) Srirangam is a swayamvyakta kshetram(not man made). Brahma used to worship this murthy in satyalokam. From brahma to surya from surya to manu and from many to ikshwaku , this murthy was worshipped at ayodhya till srirama pattabhishekam. After pattabhishekam, Srirama gave this moorthi to Vibheeshanan. Vibheeshana carrying the moorthy to Srilanka, stopped here to perform sandhyavandanam and placed it in the island of river Cauvery. Thereafter he could not remove the vigraham; Lord told him that he would stay there itself looking towards south - Srilanka and that he may come every night to perform tiruvaaraadhana and go back to Srilanka.
कावेरी विरजा सेयं वैकुण्ठम् रंगमंदिरम् ।
स वासुदेवो रंगेश: प्रत्यक्षम् परमम् पदम्।।
10) Aagama: Daily poojaas are performed as per Pancharaatra aagamam. In the next episode, I will furnish details of sannidhis in each of the seven praakaarams.
Sreeman sreeranga sriyam anupadravaam anudinam samvardhaya.

[15/11, 08:40] p.l.n.charlu: Srirangam temple-- episode 3 : The temple of Sri Ranganath is situated at 10 d 52 N and 78 d 42 E. The main entry faces south..The temple covers a vast area of about 6,31,000 sq.m(156 acres) with a perimeter of 8 km. Rajagopuram's height is 236 feet - the highest temple gopuram in the world. Construction work of Rajagopuram was finished and samprokshanam was performed on 25th March 1987. There are seven - (sapta) praakaaraas. In the first praakaaram you will find Dwaarapaalakulu, yaagasaala, virajaabaavi, Senaamodaliyaar sannidhi, Pagalpattu mandapam, chilakala mandapam, and Kannan sannidhi. From this Chilakala mandapam, devotees can see Paravaasudevulu on the vimaanam. The second praakaaram is called Aryabhattaal Vassal. There is Pavitrostava mandapam consisting of Hayagriva and Saraswati sannidhis. Second is vulkoodai mandapam, also called as doramandapam.Third is Virajaa mandapam; it is said that Virajaa river flows beneath this. Fourth is Veda Vinappam mandapam, paramapada vaasal, tirumadappalli, unjal mandapam, dwajaarohana mandapam. Third praakaaram called as Aalinaadan tiruveedhi, consists of Garudan sannidhi, vaali sugreeva sannidhis, nammalwar sannidhi, nanjeeyar sannidhi. Vugraanam, Mel Pattabhiraman sannidhi, Mudal Alwar sannidhi, Chandra pushkarini, ponna vruksham, Vedavyaasar sannidhi, Varaaha perumal koil, Varadarajaswamy sannidhi, keel pattabhiramsn sannidhi, vaikuntanathan sannidhi, tirumanal veli ( sand area) tirumalisai alwar sannidhi, Sri Bhandaaram, Surya pushkarani, tirukachchinambi sannidhi. Fourth praakaaram is known as Akalankanaattaalwaan tiruchchi. There is Koorattaalwaan sannidhi, garudaalwaar sannidhi, srimannaadamuni sannidhi, kambattaalwaan mandapam. There is Sri Ranga Vilasa Mandapam over which Tirumantram, dwayam and charama slokams are painted. Sri Bhagavath Raamaanujula Tirumeni sannidhi may be visited in this praakaaram. Veeraanjaneya and Tondaradippodi Alwar sannidhi may also be seen here. Details of 5th to 7th praakaarams will be furnished in the next episode.
[15/11, 08:42] p.l.n.charlu: Srirangam temple episode No. 5.
Fifth praakaaram is called as vuttaraveedhi. uttamanambi tirumaaLiga, SriranganaaraayaNa Jeyar maTam, aachaarya purists tirumaaLigai maNavaaLamaamunigal sannidhis are in this praakaaram. In makara(tai) maasam pushyami nakshatram namberumaaL along with ubhayanaachchiyaars will be taken round this prakaram in TiruttEru. In meena maasam (pangu
ni) Sriranganatha will be taken round in this praakaaram in brahmostavam. Sixth praakaaram is called as chitri veedhi. In Mesha maasam(chitri) Namberumaal will be taken round in this street. There is Vedantadesikar sannidhi in uttara Mada veedhi, also Jagannadhan sannidhi. In east chitri veedhi tiruttEtu, perianambi, koorattalwan, modaliaandaan tirumaaligaas and Vaanamaamalai Jeyar matam exist. In south praakaaram veedhi exists Paataala Krishnan sannidhi. Seventh praakaaram is called as Adayavalanjaan veedhi. You can see Tirukkuralappan(vaamana) sannidhi, Veliyaandal sannidhi. There is a way on north side to go to Kolladam where Dasaavatasra sannidhi exists along with Tirumangai Alwar Paditturai and Aalavandaar Paditturai. From south side there is a way to cauvery river. This gopuram is called as Raayagopuram. List of swayam vyakta kshetraas :
2) Srimushnam-Bhuvaraaha Perumal;
3) Tirumalai- Tiruvengadamudaiyaan
4) Totadri alias vanamamalai - Devadinatha Perumal (totadrinatha)
5) Nsimisaaranyam-Devaraajan(vanaroopi)
6) Pushkaram- Paramapurushan(theertharoopi)
7) Badari- Tirunaarayanan 8) Saalagraamam-Srimoorthi.

[15/11, 11:52] p.l.n.charlu: VaishNava Divyadesams No.2:
URAIYOOR. This divyadesams is popularly known as Naachiyaar koil. This is within municipal limits of Trichy town and about 2 kms from Trichy Fort Rly. Station and about 4 kms from Srirangam. MOOLAVAAR: Alagiya Manavala Perumal - north facing - standing posture - proyoga chakram in his hand. THAAYAAR : Kamalavalli - also known as Uraiyoorvalli and as Vaasa Lakshmi - north facing - sitting posture to the right side of Moolavar. VIMAANAM: Kalyaana Vimaanam. THEERTHAM: Kalyaana thertham, surya pushkarini - Kodamurtti river.
PRATHYAKSHAM: Dharma Varma the Chola King. ALWAAR PAADALKAL: Thirumangai Alwar has sung one paasuram. Sri Vaasa Lakshmi fell in love with Sri Ranganaadha and observed a vratham to have him as her husband. Lord was pleased with her and came from Srirangam and married her and got the name of Alagiya Manavalan( Beautiful bridegroom) Every year in Panguni month namberumal comes from Srirangam to Urauyoor and kalyaana utsavam is celebrated during panguni masa Brahmotsavam of Srirangam . This place is also the birth place of Thiruppaana Alwar.
Tiruppanazhwar has got a separate Sannidhi in this temple.

[15/11, 19:09] p.l.n.charlu: Divyadesam No. 3:
Thiru Tanjai Maamani Koil. LOCATION: 4 kms from Tanjore Rly junction on bus route to Thiruvaiyyaaru. There are three temples which constitute this divyadesam. 1) TANJAI MAAMANI KOIL. MOOLAVAR: Neelamegha Perumal. POSTURE: sitting; east facing. THAAYAAR: Sengamalavalli. VIMANAM: Soundarya vimaanam. THEERTHAM: Amrutha theertham PUSHKARINI: Kanaka. PRATYAKSHAM: Paraasaramuni 2) TANJAI YALI KOIL. MOOLAVAR: Narasimhaswamy POSTURE: Sitting, east facing. THAAYAAR: Tanjainaayaki. VIMANAM: Vedasundara vimaanam. THEERTHAM: Srirama PUSHKARINI: Surya. PRATYAKSHAM:Parasara Maharshi ,Ekaveeeika Devi and Tanjakasuran . 3) MANIKUNDRA PERUMAAL. MOOLAVAR: Manikunra Perumal. POSTURE: Sitting- east facing. THAAYAAR: Ambujavalli. Vimaanam: Manikundra. THEERTHAM: Sriramatheertham. PRATYAKSHAM: Maarkandeyan Utsavar in each of these three temples is known as SRIMAN NAARAAYANAN. These temples are in Vennatrankarai I.e. on the banks of river Vennaaru. Thirumangai Alwar has sung three, Bhoothathaalwar and Nammaalwaar one each--total five pasurams.

[15/11, 19:09] p.l.n.charlu: This Tanajai Yali Perumal is the reason for the place being named after tanjakasuran. Perumal in this form killed tanjakasuran and blessed him that this place shall be named after him
[16/11, 12:58] p.l.n.charlu: Divyadesam No.4:
This temple is 20 kms from Trichy and nearest Rly Station is Lalgudi. MOOLAVAR: Vadi Valaagiya Nambi--Bhujanga sayanam -- east facing. UTSAVAR:Sundararajan. THAAYAAR: Alagiyavalli Naachiyar.
PUSHKARINI : Manduka pushkarini-kollidam;
VIMANAM : Taaraka vimaanam;
Pratyaksham to Brahma and Valmiki. Thirumalisai Alwaar has sung one paasuram. This is a very ancient divyadesam in existence at least 6,100 years ago. There are a number if inscriptions in this temple.

[16/11, 12:59] p.l.n.charlu: Divyadesam No. 5. Thiru Karambanoor (Uttamar Koil) also called as Kadamba Kshetra. LOCATION: 1 km north of Srirangam. It is a small Rly Station.Very close to Kollidam(vada thiri cauvery river). There are three sannidhis. One for Siva, second for Brahma and third for Narayana with their consorts. There is a separate shrine for Saraswathi. For kartigai deepam festival, Siva and Perumal are taken together in procession(purappadu) round the streets of the temple. MOOLAVAR: Purushottaman- Bhujanga sayanam- east facing. Siva sannidhi is facing west. THAAYAAR: Poorvadevi/Poorva valli. Kadambatheertha; Kadali vruksham; Udyoga vimaanam. PRATYAKSHAM: Kadambamuni,Thirumangai Alwar,Uparicharavasu and Sanaka sanandana Thirumangai Alwar has sung one paasuram.
Stalapuraanam says that Siva on seeing Brahma with five faces, became jealous and plucked one face of Brahma and this amounted to Brahma hatyaa dosham. The kapaalam got stuck to the fingers of Siva. While wandering, Siva came to Kadamba kshetram. Perumal asked Thaayaar to give some alms to Siva. By her grace, kapaalam got filled up. Thus Siva was able to atone for the dosham he committed and the kapaalam got out of his hands. Siva continued to stay here as Bikshandar and hence this place is called as Bikshandar Koil also. Thirumangai Alwar stayed here while attending for the construction of praakaarams and gopuram of Srirangam temple. There is a "thoppu" and a mandapam where Alwar stayed and this is called as " Alwaar Partta Varthi". Once upon a time, entrance of this temple had no doors at all and the Perumal could be worshipped at any time. This is evident from the statement made by Periya Vacchan Pillai, the great commentator of Divya Prabhanda

[17/11, 08:00] p.l.n.charlu: Divyadesam No.6: THIRUVELLAARAI - also called as Vedagiri and Swethagiri. LOCATION: 20 kms from Srirangam. Located on a hillock called Swethagiri about 100 feet high(59 steps). The stones are all white, hence called as Swethagiri. There are no lodging/ boarding facilities. Temple is about one Km from bus stand. MOOLAVAR & UTSAVAR: Pundarikakshan( Sendaamarai Kannan) standing posture- east facing--prayoga chakram. THAAYAAR: Chenpakavalli Thirumangai Alwar has sung 13 paasurams.
[18/11, 16:13] p.l.n.charlu: Divyadesams No.13: THIRU TALAI CHANGA NAAN MANDIYAM. LOCATION: This is a small village about 13 kms from Sirkali on Sirkali-Nagapattin road. This temple finds a place in Silappadhikaaram. MOOLAVAR: Naan Madiya Perumal also known as Ven Sudar Perumal - standing posture facing east. The diety has a conch as his pillow. There is also a Andaal vigraham here. UTSAVAR; Vyomajyoti Piraan/ Ven Sudar Piraan/ Loganathan. THAAYAAR: Sengamalavalli thaayaar/Talai Changa Naachiyaar. VIMAANAM & PUSHKARINI: Chandra or Veda Chakra vimaanam. Chandra pushkarini. Thirumangai Alwar has sung two paasurams.
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